This server is here for the enjoyment of the Dayz Arma Mod and is a Privately hosted hive.
All Players are expected to adhere to the following server rules for fair game play. If you don't like these rules, find another server.
1. No Hacking or exploiting of the game. This includes but not limited any code execution, teleports, esp, or any spawning of weapons vehicles in the game. Duping of items is also considered hacking as well as using items that have been improperly created by hackers (i.e. ammo boxes). Players that are known to play/associate with identified hackers will be placed on the server watch list. Being on this list may result in a ban if warranted - so if you mate hacks - you may be banned too.
Hacking will result in a permanent ban from this server and all bans are reported to the Community Ban List monthly. This ensures that hackers are not only banned from this server but also the public hive and many private hives.
There are multiple admins that play on this server (most are anonymous which help report hackers). If you experience what you believe to be hacking - please email
Due to the relative immaturity of some of the anti hacking software, false positives do happen. If you feel you have been incorrectly banned please email stating what happened. If you have been incorrectly banned, we will remove the ban as soon as possible.
2. No Voice comms on side channel. This is just considered good manners. Other players may not wish to hear chatter in the game as well as lots of voice on side channel produces lag. Accidents do happen, which is fine, but if this rule is ignored - you will be give a warning, then banned for 24 hours. Any further occurrences with result in a permanent ban (although will not be reported to the CBL).
3. No excessive spawn killing. This is a server targeted at new/causal or inexperienced players to Dayz. While spawn killing is allowed and is part of the game, if you simply sit on a hill and snipe players when they spawn - expect a warning, then a temporary ban, followed by a permanent ban.
4. Language - in general this server attracts a more mature gaming audience and as such there is a fair bit of "colourful" language on the server. This is fine, however direct racial, hate or other inapropriate language will attract a warning followed by a ban.
5. Have fun...
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