Tuesday, 30 April 2013

DDB Noob Server News

Howdy Gents,

I've been busy working on some config changes on the DAYZ server and I thought I should post a little information on the recent changes.

Whats New?
- Stats - the leaderboard stats are a bit skewed with AI kills being counted as player kills (bandits + survivor kills = murders). So be aware that npc kills are being counted to your totals.
-Server is now on a Veteran setting with map markers enabled. This means that you have an indicator of your current location on the map and spotted vehicles and such.  Nameplates are off - so you shouldn't be able to spot players/vehicles from 500m with your crosshairs floating over them.
- Added a couple of new locations (bare bones at the moment)
- survivor refugee camp
- military camp
- new structures (one is pretty hard to miss)
- Air Raids. Yes the military are now randomly bombing cities around the map! Just look for the "spotter" heli floating overhead...and if you hear sirens....RUN!

Whats Gone?
-Removed the secret lab, dogs and cargo lift scripts. These were causing more issues than they were worth. I'll look at them in the future, but they are gone for now.

Whats Coming?
-Heros/Bandits will get the ability to self-bloodbag
-Player camps - these are camps in various areas of the map that have some little extras to use if you can find them (i.e. permanent campfire, camo netting)
-Player protected zones (wip) - these are additions to the player camps. AI will be added to the camp and will not shoot the camps "owner" but everyone else is fair game.

With the standalone alpha due out next month - some or none of the "Whats Coming" may happen

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