Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Holy Server Changes Batman!!

Well Noobers...you asked for more so here it is!

What has the DDB Noob server got that's new you ask?

How about....

AI - yes computer controlled players roaming the map. Some are helpful, some are not.  Some of these fellas also carry radios - very helpful in hearing about any chatter regarding potential air strikes (see below).

Self Blood Bag - those lone-wolf type players - your prayers have been answered. Now players can use blood bags on themselves. Not as effective as getting one from another player - but not more eating 100 cans of beans to heal!

Tent sleeping / heal - finally!  Players can now have a well deserved snooze in their tents to regain some heath. Just be careful your snoring doesn't attract any unwanted attention!

Animated heli crashes.  Heli crashes now are more realistic - they now fly over the map and crash - creating the heli-crash sites that we know and love.  And before you ask - yes you can shoot them down (much easier than a normal heli) and it will spawn the crash site where it lands.

Carepackages. If you see the old bi-plane roaming around the map...it may just be dropping care packages for survivors...

Air Strikes - watchout for the "spotter" heli circling or hovering above your favourite town or city. If you hear air-raid sirens..RUN!  Them bombs are soon to follow.

Base Building - Hell Yeah!  You can now build your own custom bases!  Just collect the required components are start building away! You can even lock gates with unique pass codes.

Stay tuned....got some really cool stuff in the pipeline for next month.

Cya in Cherno


Tuesday, 30 April 2013

DDB Noob Server News

Howdy Gents,

I've been busy working on some config changes on the DAYZ server and I thought I should post a little information on the recent changes.

Whats New?
- Stats - the leaderboard stats are a bit skewed with AI kills being counted as player kills (bandits + survivor kills = murders). So be aware that npc kills are being counted to your totals.
-Server is now on a Veteran setting with map markers enabled. This means that you have an indicator of your current location on the map and spotted vehicles and such.  Nameplates are off - so you shouldn't be able to spot players/vehicles from 500m with your crosshairs floating over them.
- Added a couple of new locations (bare bones at the moment)
- survivor refugee camp
- military camp
- new structures (one is pretty hard to miss)
- Air Raids. Yes the military are now randomly bombing cities around the map! Just look for the "spotter" heli floating overhead...and if you hear sirens....RUN!

Whats Gone?
-Removed the secret lab, dogs and cargo lift scripts. These were causing more issues than they were worth. I'll look at them in the future, but they are gone for now.

Whats Coming?
-Heros/Bandits will get the ability to self-bloodbag
-Player camps - these are camps in various areas of the map that have some little extras to use if you can find them (i.e. permanent campfire, camo netting)
-Player protected zones (wip) - these are additions to the player camps. AI will be added to the camp and will not shoot the camps "owner" but everyone else is fair game.

With the standalone alpha due out next month - some or none of the "Whats Coming" may happen

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Leaderboard 27/04/2013

Sorry for the delay gents..."All Time" metrics have been removed due to a database purge skewing the results...

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

28 DAYZ L8R Server Offline 17/04/2013 times

Fellow DAYZers,

The 28 DAYZ L8R server will be off-line for maintenance on the 17/04/2013 from approx 5pm to 12 pm AET.

There will be various bug fixes and some "additions" to the server that will require frequent reboots.

During this time a password will be applied to the server and will be removed once testing is complete.

Current players, tents, vehicles will be retained.



Monday, 8 April 2013

NOOB Server is no more....NOW 28 DAYZ L8R


Howdy fellow zombie fodder!

This post is to highlight the number of changes that the DDB DAYZ server has gone through in the last couple of weeks....
Most importantly the server name has changed to reflect the growing skills of our regular player base.

The new name is AU DDB 28 DAYZ L8R [VET+MAP+GUN] ect... (IP is

The server "setting" is basically 28 days after the infection...government has broken down, but there are remnants of the military around the map attempting to survive....power is still on but very unreliable...(this will help new players at night).

Remember to favourite us so we are easier to find in DAYZ Commander / PlaySix.

First up: Tents are fixed! BOOYA! Hero /Bandit changes causing spawning into the ocean is also fixed!!

The server is now running in Veteran difficulty - so that map marker & nameplates are no more...(zeds are also a little more difficult).  Starting loadout remains the same (Map, Bandage, Flashlight, Painkiller & Makarov).


Yes - the rumours are true...there is now AI active on the server.  I don't want to give two much away but there are three factions (survivors, bandits & military) that may or may not be friendly to players....

TIP: you can get blood transfusions from AI heros to help the solo survivors (and the odd noob)!

 Wow - thats awesome! Whats next?

Glad you asked! I'm still working on some fantastic (I think so anyways) additions to the server such as...

- Strongholds - in addition there will be certain locations around the map that will spawn good gear and vehicles...but you're going to have to fight for it!
- Leaderboard loadouts (long time coming) - top player will win a custom fresh spawn loadout that will be better than the standard...
- Super Hero / Super Villan  - like to help or hinder your fellow players? well soon the humanity system will mean even more...achieve Super Hero status and recieve the ability to self-administer blood!  If you're more the evil type...Achieve Super Villan status and you'll recieve you're very own "companion"...details to follow...

More to follow...

Cya in Chernarus!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Angry Pineapple & the good Inspector come accross a base while doing their evening forest jog....

But being the stand-up fellows they are - they don't steal buy rather build a nice fire to keep the discovered vehicle dry in the rain....

Monday, 25 February 2013

DDB NOOB Server now 1.7.6

Fellow DAYZ noobers...please update your version to 1.7.6 to enjoy all the new zombie goodness released in the latest patch!


Leaderboard 25/02/2013

Monday, 4 February 2013

Server has been upgraded to

Noobers - the server is now upgraded to the lastest patch!

Zombies can now damage vehicles,  flip that atv back over and more!

check out the details here


Noob Leaderboard 04/02/2013

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

DDB Dayz Noob Server Rules

This server is here for the enjoyment  of the Dayz Arma Mod and is a Privately hosted hive. 

All Players are expected to adhere to the following server rules for fair game play.  If you don't like these rules, find another server.

1. No Hacking or exploiting of the game.  This includes but not limited any code execution, teleports, esp, or any spawning of weapons vehicles in the game.  Duping of items is also considered hacking as well as using items that have been improperly created by hackers (i.e. ammo boxes). Players that are known to play/associate with identified hackers will be placed on the server watch list.  Being on this list may result in a ban if warranted - so if you mate hacks - you may be banned too.

Hacking will result in a permanent ban from this server and all bans are reported to the Community Ban List monthly.  This ensures that hackers are not only banned from this server but also the public hive and many private hives. 

There are multiple admins that play on this server (most are anonymous which help report hackers).  If you experience what you believe to be hacking - please email ddbdayz@gmail.com

Due to the relative immaturity of some of the anti hacking software, false positives do happen. If you feel you have been incorrectly banned please email ddbdayz@gmail.com stating what happenedIf you have been incorrectly banned, we will remove the ban as soon as possible.

2. No Voice comms on side channel.  This is just considered good manners.  Other players may not wish to hear chatter in the game as well as lots of voice on side channel produces lag.  Accidents do happen, which is fine, but if this rule is ignored - you will be give a warning, then banned for 24 hours.  Any further occurrences with result in a permanent ban (although will not be reported to the CBL).

3. No excessive spawn killing. This is a server targeted at new/causal or inexperienced players to Dayz.  While spawn killing is allowed and is part of the game, if you simply sit on a hill and snipe players when they spawn - expect a warning, then a temporary ban, followed by a permanent ban.

4. Language -  in general this server attracts a more mature gaming audience and as such there is a fair bit of "colourful" language on the server. This is fine, however direct racial, hate or other inapropriate language will attract a warning followed by a ban.

5. Have fun...

Sunday, 27 January 2013

DDB Noob Stats as of 28/1/2013

Here are the DDB dayz Noob server stats from the weekend. Work in progress... It is currently in a pdf format and this version doesn't combine stats from the old server (I'll post and updated version later) You can find it here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bwq3itiNu8MPTjVuWjRPT0JRNTg/edit

Saturday, 26 January 2013

This is Dayz


Server Move

Howdy all fellow Noob zombie baits! Move the noob server to another provider due to random config changes and it being unresponsive four times in two weeks. So moved to another provider...hope this one is better. Tomorrows leaderboard will combine both servers so your stats will be carried forward(but not your loot)..

Tuesday, 22 January 2013